Common business case weaknesses
Over the last 12 years of supporting business case writers, Investment Management Standard facilitators and business case reviewers, I’ve found that the top five weaknesses most common to the business cases I have reviewed are.
Having trouble getting your business case approved?
In an environment with too much to do and not enough money to do it, many worthy investments do not get the opportunity to get off the ground.
Why should I develop an Investment Logic Map?
The earlier you start your Investment Logic Map (ILM) process, the better! You’ll have more time to build a compelling case for your investment and a much clearer elevator pitch when you bump into a Minister or Senior Executive in the lift.
Data for Victorians – DataVic
The open data movement has been growing in profile and popularity in recent years. The DataVic Access Policy is the Victorian government’s own mandate to departments and agencies to promote the release of data for public benefit.